Just for experimental purpose, I have set up mail servers on two different machines.I have given them full names as A.domain1 and B.domain2. I have created few users . Archived > gmane.linux.redhat.fedora.general . Am Fr, den 12.11.2004 schrieb Eliot Stock um 20:34: > [root@home ~]# echo '/mx relay.plus.net.' | sendmail -bt -d8.8 . GENERAL ERROR: Commands such as bpmedialist and nbemmcmd will fail with host name lookup errors if a storage unit is configured with a Media server / Host Connection . I traced this problem back to a Host Name Lookup Failure. . doesn't check if dhcpcd is already running on wlan0, "dhcpcd wlan0" will fail . We need to add our remote office to our linux routing table. Our internal office ip addresses are all in the range of 198.9.200.x with an subnet mask of . host name lookup failure; linux - sendmail - Deferred: Connec Host name resolution generally uses the following . one is configured and take the host name lookup fail same time to fail. . The client will then bypass the DNS lookup . . replicate host name lookup fail Active Directory because of DNS lookup . Directory could not resolve the following DNS host name . can cause Active Directory functions to fail. Miscellaneous > General software and network . Hello everybody. I run sendmail 8.14.2 on FreeBSD 5.5, 6.3 and 7.0 (from ports on 5.5 . A mailserver first will try . I wrote a page for my website that sends an email to a yahoo address when the form is submitted. In testing, it worked the first two or three times, Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux. Just starting out and have a question? If it is not in the man pages or the how-to's this is
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