Interest Free Credit Cards - What to look for when choosing an interest free credit card - How To Stay Ahead of the Game Almost all credit companies are offering interest free credit cards. However, not everyone is entitled to such offers, particularly those who have not had a card before. If you . Credit cards that charge no interest on your purchases or on your balance transfer for a certain period of time are said to be interest free credit cards. This interest free . The best way to avoid paying interest on your credit card is to pay your bills on time - compare the best credit cards on the market with uSwitch. Personal Finance and Investing made simple . Isn Get a credit card with comparethemarket.com and claim one of six free Meerkat . will incur interest charges on the outstanding balance. interest free credit cards Every credit card is . Credit Card benefits from Virgin Money including 0% on balance transfers & up to 50 days interest free on purchases. Browse for benefits, discounts & rates Find the best deals on credit cards for purchases and interest free credit cards spread the cost of large and expensive purchases. How to Compare Interest Free Credit Cards. Interest free credit cards are introductory offers by credit card companies that allow customers to use a credit card without paying . Browse Virgin Money Credit Card benefits and rates. The 0% Balance Transfer Credit Card includes up to 50 days interest free on purchases. One of the best ways to get rid of your credit card debt and get back on your feet is to take advantage of some of the interest free credit cards that are available. Free credit card offers are available all the time, if your looking for free